Buffalo National River

Before this summer, I had no idea that there was such a thing as a National River. After visiting Buffalo National River, I totally understand why the National Park Service felt like it was worth it to preserve this beautiful place.

Check out our adventure there.

The Details:

This was the best ranger experience of our Arkansas trip with Central High School in Little Rock being a very close second. The ranger at the park was excited to talk to the kids, gave us good tips, and made us feel very welcome.

There are no water stations or bathrooms on the trail – although the visitor center had great facilities – so plan accordingly.

Bring bug spray! Like, all the bug spray! This trail was so buggy that the kids were covered in bug bites the next day. So. Many. Bug bites.

The upper trail is narrow and for large portions of the trail the edge is a pretty substantial drop. The trail itself wasn’t a hard trail, but the narrow edges made it a bit tough with young kids. Walking sticks would be a helpful accessory.

Going to the river front is a must. It was clear enough you could see the minnows swimming around and it was beautiful to see the cliffs. As an added bonus you might meet some folks kayaking. We did and it was fun to chat with them about their experiences.

I definitely recommend you check this one out in Arkansas.

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